1. Market surveillance authorities may agree with other relevant authorities to carry out joint activities aimed at ensuring cybersecurity and the protection of consumers with respect to specific products with digital elements placed on the market or made available on the market, in particular products with digital elements that are often found to present cybersecurity risks.
2. The Commission or ENISA shall propose joint activities for checking compliance with this Regulation to be conducted by market surveillance authorities based on indications or information of potential non-compliance across several Member States of products with digital elements that fall within the scope of this Regulation with the requirements laid down in this Regulation.
3. The market surveillance authorities and ▌, where applicable, the Commission, shall ensure that the agreement to carry out joint activities does not lead to unfair competition between economic operators and does not negatively affect the objectivity, independence and impartiality of the parties to the agreement.
4. A market surveillance authority may use any information obtained as a result of the joint activities carried out as part of any investigation that it undertakes.
5. The market surveillance authority concerned and, where applicable, the Commission, shall make the agreement on joint activities, including the names of the parties involved, available to the public.