Article 60 – Sweeps

1.  Market surveillance authorities shall conduct simultaneous coordinated control actions (sweeps) of particular products with digital elements or categories thereof to check compliance with or to detect infringements to this Regulation. Those sweeps may include inspections of products with digital elements acquired under a cover identity.

2.  Unless otherwise agreed upon by the market surveillance authorities involved, sweeps shall be coordinated by the Commission. The coordinator of the sweep shall, where appropriate, make the aggregated results publicly available.

3.  Where, in the performance of its tasks, including based on the notifications received pursuant to Article 14(1) and (3), ENISA identifies categories of products with digital elements for which sweeps may be organised, it shall submit a proposal for a sweep to the ▌ coordinator referred to in paragraph 2 of this Article for the consideration of the market surveillance authorities.

4.  When conducting sweeps, the market surveillance authorities involved may use the investigation powers set out in Articles 52 to 58 and any other powers conferred upon them by national law.

5.  Market surveillance authorities may invite Commission officials, and other accompanying persons authorised by the Commission, to participate in sweeps.

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